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LAST UPDATED: Monday May 23, 2011 02:07:09 PM -0600

How to build a Bare Bones PC (Team work) 

The Project " How to build a bare bones PC" consists of two parts; a paper and a set of digital photos of the assembly process by the members of the group. Both need to be submitted onto a CD-Rom.

Here is how to start:

  1. There are four main areas of responsibility so split the responsibilities among the members of the group.

    Member 1:

    1.1 Research information and start a skeleton of the paper.

    1.2 This person is in charge of the written part of the paper - see below for instructions. 1.3 Do not forget to include on the cover page the Group number and member names in order of the photo, the university, the professor's name spelled correctly,  class, semester and year.

    1.4 Print the instructions of how to write the paper and what format it should be presented.

    1.5 Make sure you hand it in by due date.

    1.6 Keep an accurate log of how many hours you have spent on this project - see below an example.

    1.7 This member's grade will depend on the quality of the paper

    Member 2:

    2.1 Provide the digital resources including a digital camera.

    2.2 This person is responsible for taking a minimum of 20 photos of the members and the project. Photos will be of the individual members, the group as a whole and parts of the project; e.g. members assembling the PC, various parts of the PC, making sure that each photo carefully labeled.

    2.3 Photos should be in jpeg format with a minimum of 800 x 400 Kb

    2.4 This member's grade will depend on the technology used, the quality, size and clarity of the photos, (too small, blurred and out of focus are penalized). Make sure the photos are labeled correctly.

    For example:

    Pat SmithGroup107.jpeg,

    Group Members107.jpeg.,

    Group107 starting the project.jpg,

    Group 107 finishedproject.jpg

    Group107 The PCfront.jpeg,

    Group107The PC back.jpeg





    2.5 Keep an accurate log of how many hours you have spent on this project - see below an example.

    Member 3:

    3.1 This person is in charge of providing the PC.

    3.2 This PC does not necessarily have to be functional or be the latest of the latest. It must however have the basic parts to it; Motherboard, CPU, and cooling system, RAM, Power supply, Hard Disk, CD-Rom or DVD-Rom, mouse, keyboard, monitor and an antistatic band.

    3.3 This person must coordinate with member 1 and member 2 as to how the PC will be assembled, and what order the photos will be taken. 

    3.4 Keep an accurate log of how many hours you have spent on this project - see below an example.

    3.5 This member's grade will depend on finding the PC with all the necessary bare bones parts, and the assembly process.  

    Member 4:

    4.1 You are the Manager of Project 1:

    4.2 You are responsible to coordinate the members and ensure they are on time with handing in their assignments.

    4.3 You are also responsible to communicate any problems to the Directors of the class or to myself.

    4.4 You are responsible for the accurate logs that will be handed in with the project.

    4.5 The CD to be handed in must be clearly marked.

    4.6 The CD must be labeled with an indelible marker pen or a round CD label.

    4.7   Mediate any clashes of times, days, and so on between members.

    4.8 Ensure each member contributes to this project - vote a member off the island if necessary. This is a learning experience for each member not a one person effort.

    4.9 Advise me of any problems that you encounter

    4.10Keep an accurate log of how many hours you have spent on this project - see below an example.    

    4.11 You are responsible for managing the group and making sure project is turned in complete and and on time.


  1. Project 1 should be presented in the format of a CD (these are available are Office Depot, Kinko's and various other places) and should consist of: 


2.1 The photos in jpeg format (as described above)

2.2 The paper which should include:

Page 1 Cover page with a digital photo of the Group, your Group name, Member names from Left to Right, Semester, Course title and number, date, Professor's name, and University.

Page 2 Table of contents

Page 3 Hardware and software for a bare bones PC (definitions)

Page 4 Optional extras (definitions)

Page 5 How to assemble a PC  (written expalanation is required)

Page 6 References from WEB - active links 

Page 7 Include a time log of how many hours it has taken you to complete each of the four sections. These four logs should include date, day, time started and time ended, total number of hours and minutes each session. For example:

Date Time started Time ended Total time Name Action
Sep 4, 2004 3:30 pm 5:45 pm 2:15 hours Pat Internet research and writing of paper
Sep 5, 2004 12:30 pm 13:50 1:20 hours Shamrock Searched for a good digital camera and trained on its use
Sep 6, 2004 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 2 hours Pat Downloaded photos off the Internet
Total Pat     2:15 hours    
Total Total Shamrock     1:20 hours    
Total of group     3:35 hours    

  ***The group shall receive 1 project grade unless a conflict arises within the group***

You DO NOT need to buy a computer you may use any old desktop you have or borrow one.

CBA does not support Word Perfect.  Use Microsoft Word to save your work in 1 file!

  1.  Where to find a used PC : Miami-Dade Surplus
  2. Print this out - you will need it. Good Luck